Monday, November 19, 2007

Daddy Time

This was a busy weekend for me, leaving Wes at home with Jackson for most of it. We had a birthday party for someone from work on Friday, so I was gone then, and Saturday morning I left about 7 to go to our Board of Directors Retreat. For those of you who don't know, I was elected to the BOD for our state association, ALANA. I know some of you have asked me about it, so I've included a link to it on the side. Go to the "about us" section and you'll get to a picture of me:-) I will be serving a 2 year term. So anyway, I was gone overnight Saturday at the retreat. Wes' parents came in town to stay with him and Jackson while I was gone. There's a few pics of them below. We are getting ready to travel to see my brother for Thanksgiving. We have even more to be thankful for this year!!! After that it will be off to AUBURN. Yea!!! WDE!! Btw, for my Bama friends, can we get the scouting report on La Monroe for our game against them next year - haha. Anyone who's gonna be down there, give us a call and maybe we can meet up. Jackson and I aren't going to the game, only tailgating. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving :-)

Nonnie and Jackson, with a baby smile on his face.

Catching a catnap in Pops' arms

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

War Eagle! Have a great Thanksgiving!