Last weekend Mom and Dad were over for the weekend in time for our Fall Festival at church and to watch the horrendous Auburn/LSU game. It was the first time Dad had gotten to spend some time with the boys in a while, so it was enjoyed by all:D

Jackson giving Luke a BIG hug!

Grandma and Granddad with the boys

I asked J if I could get a picture of him and Luke, and he had a fit...what a fuss!

So we just got a pic with Daddy and Luke

Still working on Luke sitting up.. He's gotten much better, but he still tries to stand up and falls over, lol. We are hoping he starts crawling soon b/c he really wants to be on the move.

We spent Halloween in Auburn. University Station had a great trick or treating activity for the kiddos, followed by a bonfire and weinie roast. Everyone thought the boys were adorable, and I was surprised at how everyone wanted to give both of them candy. I just laughed and said anything that they gave Luke would end up in Mommy's belly, so we didn't need it haha. So here is our little cowboy:

And our pumpkin

Jackson didn't want to pose for any pictures, so there were many more of Luke. There's a bunch more pics, but they are on Jackie's camera ,so I'll have to put those up next week after I get them.

with those big cheeks, he reminded me of a baby in an Anne Gedde's picture

One of the only shots I got of the two of them together

Hope everyone has a great week!